October and November can be just as busy for government contractors as August and September, but for different reasons.  If you’re wondering what we mean by that, here are three things that smart contractors are doing now:

1.  Increasing Their Knowledge:  Whether it’s through a training class or conference, this is the single best time of year to get up to speed on new rules, business practices, and policy developments that could re-shape how you do business.  The calendar is full of these activities and many contract and BD professionals attend more than one to ensure their knowledge is current.

2Networking:  In addition to increasing your knowledge base, events are great for expanding your network.  Whether it’s a key new contact with another company, a new federal face, or an opportunity for your own personal advancement, it is vital to remember that government acquisition is a relationship-based business.  There is no better time than right now to build on your existing network.

3.  Finalizing Their FY’18 “Showroom”:  The start of the fiscal year may be the best time to roll out new solutions and services.  Think of it as your “2018 Federal Model Year”.  Prospective federal customers often have more time to meet in the first quarter of the year and they absolutely do want to know what’s new and innovative.  Make sure you’ve got glossy new things to show them, in addition to the reliable stuff they’ll probably actually buy later.  The bottom line is that this is the time of year you set the foundation for sales success down the road.