The ranks of Regional Administrators and Regional Commissioners are slowly being filled out at GSA with new appointees (RA’s) and newly-assigned SES leaders (RC’s).  GSA contractors may vaguely recall that GSA re-ordered who reports to whom inside the agency, but likely do not recall specifics.  Now that these positions are being filled, though, it’s time to again review who’s responsible for what (please, no Abbott and Costello here).  The career Regional Commissioners, people who will oversee the FAS and PBS operations in their region, do not report to Regional Administrators.  Instead, all RC’s report directly to the Deputy Commissioner running their part of GSA.  For FAS, that means that the Deputy Commissioner is the specific person who oversees all regional work.  This is important for contractors to understand as it identifies the chain of command on current and potential projects.  Having good regional relationships helps, but having a good relationship with senior central office people is also important.  The Regional Administrators will be responsible for overseeing regional work and being the public face of the agency in their area.  They can help close projects and report issues back into the Administrator’s office, but won’t have a sizeable workforce reporting directly to them.  GSA expects to have a full line up of regional leaders in place over the coming months.  Make sure your team gets to know the people who actually have a role in your business.