Contractors often complain about the cost and time associated with pursuing each new Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle. They’d rather spend precious bid and proposal dollars pursuing actual pieces of business. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy has acknowledged IDIQ proliferation as a problem for several years. While there is a business case approval process in place, no agency seeking approval has yet been denied. That may be about to change under OFPP’s recently announced Category Management initiative. OFPP hopes to develop specialized teams of service and technology acquisition experts through this initiative who will take the lead on acquisitions in these specific areas. Ultimately, the number of redundant IDIQ vehicles would be reduced to those that truly provide good choices and competition, something akin to a “center of excellence” model. While trying to centralize a highly stove-piped acquisition system is an ambitious undertaking, contractors may welcome the approach as it would still allow for multiple contracting actions, but more emphasis would be placed on actual buying and selling. Reducing government overhead would also be a positive outcome and potentially free up resources for better project management after the procurement has been completed.